Setting up the back-end for WebPulse

HTTPS is required for the backend to work.

For local development, you will need to set up Deno and checkout the WebPulse Analytics project from GitHub. Follow these steps to get started:

Getting started

  1. Deno Setup:

    • If you haven't already, install Deno by following the official Deno installation guide here.
    • Make sure Deno is correctly installed by running deno --version in your terminal.
  2. Project Checkout:

    • Clone the WebPulse Analytics backend project repository from GitHub. Use the following command to clone the repository to your local machine:

      git clone
    • Navigate to the project directory:

      cd webpulsebackend
  3. TLS Certificate Setup:

    • For a production environment, create the ./keys folder, and place key.pem and cert.pem inside it.

    • For local development, the same keys are required, but you can use self signed ones. To create them, first create the ./keys folder, enter it and run the following command:

      openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
  4. Environment Variables:

    • Some more environment variables are required for the project. Copy the provided .env.example file to .env and inspect it to understand the required variables. Make any necessary changes to match your local setup.
  5. Start the WebPulse Analytics Backend:

    • Run the following command to start the WebPulse Analytics backend. The -A flag allows all permissions for Deno, and mod.ts is the entry point of the project:

      deno run -A mod.ts
    • The backend will start, and you will be able to access it locally via HTTPS.

By following these steps, you'll have the WebPulse Analytics backend set up on your local machine, allowing you to develop and test your project effectively. Make sure to refer to the project's documentation for more specific details and usage instructions.